How Night Workout Really Affects Your Body


        Still not sure to go workout at night? But you don't have time to go workout in daily time. The answer to this question is depending on your self.
        However, there are some common reasons why some people decide to not going workout in the night. How night workout really affects your body.

1. Respiratory Disorder
        As we all know that oxygen has its own cycle of photosynthesis system. It means that at night plans also absorb oxygen for their own cycle, which significantly imposes a decreased levels of oxygen in the air.
        For a special case like do some hard workouts, our body needs more oxygen than usual for this process. If oxygen level has decreased but our oxygen needed to be increased, of course gradually we will have some respiratory disorder causes of its imbalance.

2. Insomnia
        Sleep is an intensive time when all our body can rest. What will happen when we do some workouts at night and we forget to rest? For sure we will lose some golden time to resting our body.
And it is not that all happens if our body feels tired our heartbeat will increase. And this matter will affect our sleeping habits. We cant sleep well if our heart still pounding so hard.

3. Higher risk of having injuries
        Because of a night the atmosphere of the night alert that it's not the normal time for doing some workouts, our muscles and joints will not accept it immediately. Joint pain, stiff muscles, sprain, even slipped are the risk if we not ready. Another fact is our body has tired of daily living, and it still forced to do workout activity at night.
        What we should notice is workouts at night still better than not going for it at all. Ideal workouts routinely must be morning when we have fresh oxygen for the day. Also, we can get health benefits from the morning sun.

        Time managing also needed serious attention. Recommended time for doing workouts are around 20.00 pm to 21.00 pm, and that should be started when Tour body has been enough resting from work activity and should be done 2 hours before sleeping for better time quality.
Also, we must consider illness record before doing some night workouts.That why make a workout plan with expert more recommended.

        What do you think guys? Do you in #saynofornightworkouts or #nightbetterthannope teams? Please write down your reason for comment section below!

Life loves the health.

With love from body and beauty,